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(国防科技大学智能科学学院,长沙 410073)
关键词:  振动陀螺  磁悬浮  结构设计  陀螺性能
Design and Analysis of a Novel Electromagnetic Suspended Vibratory Gyroscope
ZENG Kai,WU Yu-lie,XIAO Ding-bang
(College of Intelligence Science and Technology, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China)
Vibratory gyroscope is a kind of sensor which uses Coriolis effect to sense angular velocity. The structure accuracy and damping uniformity of its resonator limit the improvement of gyroscope performance. In order to reduce the influence of resonator structure accuracy and supporting anchor, a new concept of electromagnetic suspended vibratory gyroscope is proposed in this paper. The resonator is suspended in the air by electromagnetic suspension method, which simplifies the resonator as a concentrated mass without supporting anchor, reduces the structural accuracy requirements, eliminates the mechanical structure damping, and improves the performance of the gyroscope. Based on the classical vibratory gyroscope model, the basic working principle of the novel gyroscope is analyzed, and the influence of the resonator error on the gyroscope performance is studied. The structure of the electromagnetic suspended vibratory gyroscope is designed, and the magnetic flux density of the structure is simulated and analyzed. The simulation results show that the suspension mass has stable vibration and good magnetic field uniformity. Finally, the gyro prototype is tested, its natural frequency is 20Hz, and the scale factor is about 1.6mV/[(°)/s]. The test results verify the gyroscopic effect of the proposed structure.
Key words:  Vibratory gyroscope  Electromagnetic suspension  Structure design  Gyroscope performance

