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(西安航天天绘数据技术有限公司,西安 710054)
随着GPS、GLONASS导航系统的不断完善和更新,以及后续GALILEO、BDS等系统的逐步建立,多系统组合导航成为GNSS当前研究热点。为了实现不同GNSS系统之间的兼容和互操作,准确确定不同系统间时差是关键。基于此,利用天宝R9多模双频接收机输出的GNSS观测数据、导航电文以实现监测GNSS系统的时差。由于国际计量局(BIPM)T公报缺少BDS相关数据,只对GLONASS和GPS实测的时差数据和BIPM T公报中对应的时差数据进行评估,统计了BDS、GPS和GLONASS三系统时差数据的最大值、最小值、均值、标准差、均方根误差。利用2016年1月到10月的连续时差数据进行时差监测评估,结果表明: GLONASS与GPS时差与T公报结果的残差标准差为4.28ns,北斗与GPS、GLONASS系统时差的标准差最优可达到4ns和5ns。
关键词:  系统时差  GNSS  监测评估  BIPM
Monitoring and Evaluation on the Single Station Time Offset on the GNSS Data of Difference
SUN Guang,LI Shuang-qin,GUO Mei-jun,ZHAI Wei,HONG Ying-jie,ZHANG Min
(Xi'an Aerorspace Remote Sensing Data Technology Corporation, Xi'an 710054, China)
With the improvement and updating of GPS and GLONASS and the gradual establishment of GALILEO and BDS navigation system, Multi-system GNSS navigation systems have become hot spot. In order to achieve the compatibility and interoperability among the different GNSS systems, it is the key to accurately determine the time difference between different systems. Based on this, the GNSS observation data output by the Trimble R9 multi-mode dual-band receiver and the GNSS system's navigation message are used to monitor the time difference between different GNSS. Because there is no BDS data in the BIPM T bulletin, the data of the measured time difference of GLONASS and GPS and the corresponding time difference data of BIPM T bulletin are used to be evaluated. For BDS, GPS and GLONASS, the maximum, minimum, mean, mean square error, RMSE of their time difference data are taken into account statistically. Time difference evaluation and monitoring is carried out based on time difference data from January to October 2016. The results show that the residual standard deviation between time difference of GLONASS, GPS and the results of T bulletin is 4.28ns, and the residual standard deviation between BDS with GPS and GLONASS can reach 4ns or 5ns in optimal conditions.
Key words:  System time difference  GNSS  Monitoring and evaluation  BIPM

