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(哈尔滨工业大学空间控制与惯性技术研究中心, 哈尔滨 150001;中国人民解放军32380部队, 北京 100072)
针对卫星拒止的室内导航问题,在现有磁信标定位技术的基础上,通过分析低频旋转磁场的特点,建立了一种不受传感器姿态和磁信标磁矩信息影响的磁感应矢量夹角观测模型,并结合MEMS惯性导航的误差模型提出了一种以磁感应矢量夹角的正余弦值为量测信息的惯性磁感应动态定位方法,避免了磁传感器姿态误差和磁矩误差对定位结果的影响。利用实验室的双轴磁信标实验系统进行静态测试,验证了磁感应定位模型具有不受传感器姿态、环境中遮挡物以及磁矩影响的特点;通过数值仿真的方式对基于无迹卡尔曼滤波(UKF)的惯性磁感应定位方法进行验证,结果表明该方法能有效地抑制惯性导航的发散,且位置最大误差小于0.75 m,满足大多数室内场景下的高精度导航定位需求。
关键词:  磁感应定位;惯性磁感应定位  无迹卡尔曼滤波;磁信标定位系统
Inertial magnetic-induction positioning method for indoor scenes
XIA Ziquan,LI Xinnian,WEN Fan,YU Qianxi,FENG Xueguang,LI Qinghua
(Space Control and Inertial Technology Research Center, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China;Unit 32380 of PLA, Beijing 100072, China)
Aiming at satellite denied problem of the indoor navigation, based on the existing magnetic beacon positioning technology, this paper analyzes the characteristics of low-frequency rotating magnetic field, establishes a magnetic induction vector angle observation model that is not affected by the sensor attitude and magnetic moment information of magnetic beacon, and combines the error model of MEMS inertial navigation, proposes an inertial magnetic-induction dynamic positioning method with the sine and cosine value of the magnetic-induction vector angle as the measurement information, and the influence of magnetic sensor attitude error and magnetic moment error on positioning results is avoided. Static test is carried out using the biaxial magnetic beacon experimental system in the laboratory, and it is verified that the magnetic-induction positioning model is not affected by the sensor attitude, the shelter in the environment and the magnetic moment. The inertial magnetic-induction positioning method based on unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is verified by numerical simulation. The results show that the method can effectively suppress the divergence of inertial navigation, and the maximum position error is less than 0.75 m, meeting the requirements of high-precision navigation and positioning in most indoor scenes.
Key words:  Magnetic-induction positioning  Inertial magnetic-induction positioning  Unscented Kalman filter  Magnetic beacon positioning system

