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(华中光电技术研究所, 武汉 430223)
谐振式光纤陀螺作为高精度角速度传感器,以其集成化高、成本低以及抗干扰性强等独有优势,逐渐成为下一代光学陀螺研究发展的热点。通过对谐振式光纤陀螺工作原理的分析,建立了陀螺数字信号处理系统可视化模型,并对系统谐振曲线和同步解调曲线等开环输出以及锁频反馈下闭环输出进行了模拟仿真。利用仿真模型分析了正弦波调制下谐振谱分裂现象,并搭建实验装置对其进行了验证。结果表明,实验中正弦信号调制频率高于系统谐振输出半高全宽一半,即对应2 MHz时,谐振谱分裂会导致同步解调输出线性区域出现明显失真,严重恶化了标度因数线性度。因此,搭建的谐振式光纤陀螺仿真模型能够准确而有效地模拟系统的工作状态,在系统噪声抑制和精度提升方面具有指导性意义。
关键词:  谐振式光纤陀螺  系统建模  谐振谱分裂  正弦调制  噪声抑制
Research on modeling and application of resonant optical gyroscope
ZOU Kang,QU Tianliang,ZHENG Chang,ZHANG Xi,WANG Chensheng
(Huazhong Institute of Optoelectronic Technology, Wuhan 430223, China)
As high-precision angular velocity sensors, resonant optical gyroscopes have gradually become a hot spot in the research and development of the next generation of optical gyroscope due to its unique advantages in integration, low-cost and anti-interference. Based on the analysis of the principle of the resonant optical gyroscope, the visual model of the gyro digital signal processing system is established, and the open-loop output such as the resonance curve and the synchronous demodulation curve as well as the closed-loop output under the frequency-locked feedback are simulated. The simulation model is used to analyze the resonance spectrum splitting phenomenon under sinusoidal wave modulation. An experimental device is built to verify it. The result shows that when the modulation frequency of the sinusoidal signal in the experiment is higher than half of the full width at half maxima (FWHM), refering to 2 MHz, the resonance spectrum splitting leads to obvious distortion in the linear region of the synchronous demodulation output, which seriously deteriorates the linearity of the scale factor. Therefore, the simulation model of resonant optical gyroscope can accurately and effectively simulate the working state of the system, which has guiding significance in noise suppression and accuracy improvement of the system.
Key words:  Resonant optical gyroscope  System modeling  Resonance splitting  Sinusoidal modulation  Noise suppression

