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关键词:  北斗共视  Klobuchar  双频  电离层
Analysis of Different Ionospheric Model on the Accuracy of BDS Common-View
LU Hua,SUN Guang,XIAO Yun,GUO Mei-jun,ZHAI Wei,XIONG Chao
(Space Star Technology Co.,Ltd;Xi'an Aerors Data Technology Co.,Ltd;Xi'an Research Institute of Surveying and Mapping)
GNSS common-view time transfer technology has become one of the main means of remote high-precision time synchronization, China has independently developed the BDS which has been used in the Asia-Pacific region, the high-precision time transfer based on BDS common-view has become the research hot spot of time-frequency fields. In order to improve the positioning accuracy of the navigation system, it is needed to reduce or eliminate the errors of navigation and positioning process, and the ionospheric errors are the main errors on BDS common-view. Several ionospheric correction algorithms are studied, and the data observed in July 2014 are used to analyze the influences of different ionospheric models on the accuracy of the clock difference of BDS common-view, and the standard deviation and stability of value of residual are also presented. The results show that: the accuracy of the clock difference has been improved when conducting various ionospheric corrections, of which dual frequency ionospheric correction has the optimal performance, the accuracy of the clock difference increased by 22% and 30% respectively compared with VTEC grid model and Klobuchar model. And the difference of corrected clock calculated by the GEO satellites has higher precision than those calculated by MEO, IGSO satellite
Key words:  BDS common-view  Klobuchar  Dual frequency  Ionosphere

