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(武汉大学测绘学院, 武汉 430079;武汉大学 GNSS技术研究中心, 武汉 430072;中国民航科学技术研究院法规标准研究所, 北京 100028)
关键词:  特征编码  室内定位  栅格光源
基金项目:国家重点研发计划课题“高精度室内定位前沿技术研究”(2016YFB0502202);国家重点研发项目 (2018YFC0823704);福建省工业引导性(重点)资助项目(2019H0044)
An Indoor Positioning Technology Based on Feature Coding of Grid Light Source
ZHANG Tuo,NIU Xiao-ji,XIA Peng-fei,WANG Zhi-ying,CHEN Hao,HUANG Liang
(School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China; GNSS Research Center, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China;Standardization Institute, China Academy of Civil Aviation Science and Technology, Beijing 100028, China)
As several main indoor positioning technologies have one or more disadvantages such as low positioning accuracy, high cost, and vulnerability to environmental interference, the indoor positioning technology based on visible light communication has become a research focus. Different from the main indoor positioning technologies, an indoor positioning scheme that uses feature coding of grid light source is proposed. First, the illumination area of the light source is divided into several grids, the light source is used to flicker to transmit grid features information, and the user terminal receives flicker light signal, decoding and positioning. The coding method is cleverly structured, which can effectively avoid misreading, meanwhile, the code similarity of adjacent grids is high, which is conducive to cross-grid positioning. In the laboratory, a grid light source is generated by a common projector, and a commercially available android smartphone is used as a user terminal. The test results show that this scheme can determine the user's position under both dynamic and static conditions, the positioning accuracy is up to half grid, and the positioning accuracy is up to 100%.
Key words:  Feature coding  Indoor positioning  Grid light source

