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关键词:  捷联惯导系统  初始对准  卡尔曼滤波  李群  仿射
SINS Linear Initial Alignment under Quasi-Static Conditions with Large Misalignment
Engineering College, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, China) Abstract: This paper is devoted to investigating the quasi-static base strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) large misalignment angle initial alignment making use of linear Kalman filtering. According to the Lie theory, if a model is a group affine model, its linear error model is independent of the state estimate, and the nonlinear state error on the group manifold can be exactly recovered from the linear error. It is pointed out that under quasi-static conditions, the SINS attitude differential equation satisfies the group affine condition and the corresponding linear attitude error equation is independent of the state estimate. However, when the velocity is incorporated into the state, the model is no longer a group affine model. Whether based on SO(3)+R3 or SE(3) description, the resulting linear error models are both dependent on the state estimate. Based on the above analysis, through formulating the state as SO(3)+R3, the velocity error equation is modified through substituting the specific force based factor with gravity. The resulting state transition matrix is now independent of the state estimate. The simulation test results show that making use of the modified linear state space model, the initial alignment can achieve the utmost precision under static condition even with very large misalignment angle. The results of car-mounted swaying experiment show that making use of the modified model, the initial alignment results with large misalignment angle can fast reach the ones by the Kalman filtering based initial alignment with small misalignment angle.
Key words:  Strapdowninertialnavigationsystem  Initialalignment  Kalmanfiltering  Liegroup  Groupaffine

