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(长安大学地质工程与测绘学院, 西安 710054;中国电子科技集团公司第五十四研究所, 石家庄 050081)
区域监测站提供的星基增强完好性监测服务在民用航空等生命安全领域发挥着重要作用。为了分析利用不同尺度监测网估计的完好性信息对用户服务性能影响,使用等效钟差方法分别实现三种不同尺度的监测网完好性参数估计,并进行增强定位验证。从增强卫星数目、用户测距误差、定位精度和保护级包络特性方面研究不同尺度的监测网对用户服务性能评估的影响,结果表明:与小尺度和中等尺度区域相比,大尺度区域增强卫星数目分别增加了50.7%、33.7%。与广播星历伪距单点定位相比,基于小、中等和大尺度区域监测网估计的改正数增强定位在水平方向定位精度分别提升了33.08%、33.59%和32.54%,垂直方向定位精度分别提升了36.56%、41.07%和43.86%。三种尺度估计的平均用户测距误差均优于0.3 m,保护级水平对定位误差的包络均能达到95%。研究成果可为区域星基增强监测网的选择提供理论支撑和应用依据。
关键词:  星基增强  等效钟差  不同尺度  用户测距误差  定位精度  保护级水平
Analysis of the impact of station networks with different scales on the service performance of satellite-based augmentation
ZHANG Yongxing,WANG Le,XIE Wei,WANG Ziwei,TIAN Yaozhao,LI Mengyuan
(School of Geology Engineering and Geomatics, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, China;The 54th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Shijiazhuang 050081, China)
Satellite-based augmentation integrity monitoring services provided by regional stations plays an important role in civil aviation and other life safety fields. To analyze the impact of integrity information estimated based on different scales of station networks on the service performance of users,the integrity parameter estimation of three different scales of station networks are achieved using the equivalent clock method, and the validation of the augmented positioning is performed. The impact of station networks with different scales on user service performance evaluation is studied in terms of augmented satellite number, user range error, positioning accuracy and protection level envelope characteristics. The results show that compared with small scale and medium scale regions, the number of augmented satellites in large scale regions increases by 50.7% and 33.7%, respectively. Compared with the pseudorange single point positioning using broadcast ephemeris, the positioning accuracy of the augmented positioning based on the correction estimated by the small, medium and large scale regional monitoring network is improved by 33.08%, 33.59% and 32.54% in the horizontal direction, and 36.56%, 41.07% and 43.86% in the vertical direction, respectively. The average user range error estimated by the three scales is better than 0.3 m, and the envelope of the positioning error can reach 95% at the protection level.The research results can provide theoretical support and application basis for the selection of regional satellite-based augmentation monitoring network.
Key words:  Satellite-based augmentation  Equivalent clock  Different scales  User range error  Positioning accuracy  Protection level

