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基于导航姿态解算的光纤陀螺平台 低频角振动测试方法研究
(北京航天控制仪器研究所,北京 100854;超精密航天控制仪器技术实验室,北京 100039)
关键词:  光纤陀螺平台  低频角振动  导航姿态解算
The Research about Low-Frequency Angular Vibration Test Method Based on Navigation Attitude Algorithm of Fiber Optic Gyroscope Platform
ZHANG Jin-yun,JIANG Huan,JING Li-bo,WANG Ting
(Beijing Institute of Aerospace Control Device, Beijing 100854,China;Laboratory of Science and Technology on Ultra-precision Aerospace Control Instrument, Beijing 100039, China)
In order to accurately evaluate the low-frequency angular vibration performance of fiber optic gyroscope platform, a test method for low-frequency angular vibration based on navigation attitude algorithm of fiber optic gyroscope platform is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the angular vibration of the carrier is simulated accurately by the angular vibration table, and time synchronization can be implemented between the frame angle signals of platform and the excitation signals of angular vibration table via the differential signal in the process of flight navigation of fiber optic gyroscope platform. Secondly, the attitude of fiber optic gyroscope platform in the course of low-frequency angular vibration is calculated in real time by means of the navigation attitude algorithm, and the real-time attitude of the platform base coordinate system relative to the geographic coordinate system can be obtained by coordinate transformation. Finally, amplitude and phase characteristics of the stable loop under the low-frequency angular vibration stimulation can be obtained via amplitude-phase characteristic analysis on the stable loop of fiber optic gyroscope platform, which can realize the accurate evaluation on the angular dynamic characteristic of fiber optic gyroscope platform.
Key words:  Fiber optic gyroscope platform  Low-frequency angular vibration  Navigation attitude algorithm

